Create your presentations online

You can create presentation like powerpoint with zoho show. This service run like powerpoint and you can use simple powepoint functions. Exp: You can add too many slide, edit any of slide, if you want, you can add your pictures after upload them..

hat’s not enough above. You can share your slides with your friends. Main feature it lets you upload your powerpoints presentations which size under 1mb.

We said that we can upload our powerpoints presentations from our computers. In this part, service isn’t only support M.S. Powerpoint. Also it supports OpenOffice presentations. Namely we can upload all files which format is .ppt or sxi.

Ok thats all..

Hımmm one minute.. I want to say that, your limit on this service is %100 unlimited So you musn’t attach your slides on your emails..

Zoho show here;